Tax time redux

Well, garbage in garbage out. After updating my printer driver I am now able to see all of the forms in Turbo Tax. I had a hunch where there might be an error so I did a bit of backtracking through the state forms to the federal form and found the problem. I entered the number wrong – instead of…

From Kevin Kelly – Better than free

Kevin Kelly wrote an insightful post on the internet as a great copy machine. His premise is when copies are free you have to sell things which can’t be copied. This creates an opportunity to derive value (cash) from things that can’t be copied, faked or cloned – or as he calls them, “generatives”. He goes on to outline the…

Sheldon Brown passed away

I just read on David Churbuck’s blog that Sheldon Brown passed away. I never met him in person, but his wealth of knowledge about bicycles helped me restore an old Raleigh Sport and created an obsession with fixed gear bikes. I finally managed to build one up after poring over his articles on the subject. Some time back I learned…

This blog has moved …

A few hours later and I have moved my old MT blog to WordPress. There are some issues with some of the posts I created automatically from my posts, but there are too many to fix, so they’ll stay the way they are. I also decided to bail on my old design and use the Cutline theme. I have…

Moving this blog

My wife has been bugging me to update this blog so here goes. I have been wanting to move this to WordPress for sometime so I am going to attempt it this weekend. We’ll see how it goes. I have experimented with several extensions and other coding options on this site for some time so I am sure it will…

iTunes updating

Just as I was finished with my last post iTunes popped up another offer to update to the latest, greatest version. Something to do with connecting to mobile devices that I don’t have…

Mr. Testicles runs the Chicago Marathon

Photo by Tony Corso, Tony Corso Images My good friend (and great photographer by the way) Tony Corso and his wife Kathy were in town visiting us over the Columbus Day holiday. Tony and I decided to head down to the start of the Chicago Marathon to shoot the race. As the throngs of runners were streaming by us, I…