American Junk Food Experience

masaki-aaron-bistro2-3-25-2008 Originally uploaded by mfioritto We took Masaki out for an American junk food experience tonight. He had a burger with American cheese and bacon plus three kinds of spuds – french fries, bistro chips and tater tots. Classic… (Left, Aaron Fioritto, Masaki)

Our Japanese guest – Masaki

masaki-3-23-2008 Originally uploaded by mfioritto Masaki will be staying with us for the next week. He is from Yokohama and is visiting Whitney Young, my son’s school, for the next week. Today was Easter so we included him in our tradition of Easter baskets loaded with candy. Our kids are getting a bit old for the tradition, but they still…

Beware of Freeconomics

Alex Iskold of ReadWriteWeb responds to Kevin Kelly’s cover story in Wired this month in his Beware of Freecomomics post. I think he brings up some good points so it is worth the read. But the funniest comment is in regards to Comcast’s DVR remote. He states, “Yet, the other aspect of free is quality. Anyone who owns a Comcast…

Chance meeting with Ross Mayfield of Socialtext

I was sitting in O’Hare yesterday waiting for my flight to New York and I saw this guy that looked a lot like Ross Mayfield of Socialtext. I plowed through some email then started reading news in Google Reader and ran across a post by Ross stating that he was attending a Kellogg technology conference at Northwestern. I figured he…

I’m now using Feedburner

It only took me a couple of years to get around to it, but I have now setup my feed using Feedburner. Here’s the new link: So I pretty much have changed this blog as much as possible. I moved to WordPress, changed the url, changed the urls again and then change the feed url. I have tried to…

More blog changes

I did not like the structure of my urls so I am making another change. The old structure was index.php/%postdate%/%posttitle%/ or something like that. I have changed it to get rid of the index.php. They should now be %posttitle%/%postid%/. I also installed the permalink redirect plugin to hopefully redirect all the old posts to the new url structure. At some…

Newspaper content budgets – what would you cut?

It is Saturday, cold outside and I’m doing laundry so I thought it would be interesting to do some analysis of the online survey Jeff Jarvis posted using Google apps. First, I need to make some assumptions about the respondents. I’m guessing that the audience is going to skew towards folks involved in journalism as a business since they would…

Jeff Jarvis’ resyndication idea

In a recent post, Jeff Jarvis explores a new model for syndication – he calls it resyndication. Fundamentally the idea is based on paying for “flow” or traffic to your content. Typically newspapers and other publishers pay syndicates and content providers for the usage rights or the right to publish content in their print and online publications. This model works…

Happy birthday Sean

My son celebrated his 25th birthday yesterday and I wanted to publicly wish him a happy birthday. I’m sure he’ll love this shot. That’s him on the left with his sister Mia. I have no idea what he is wearing, but when they were growing up, Sean would dig through Mia’s dress up clothes and they would create these wild…