I processed my first few rolls of Tri-x with Xtol and so far I am happy with the results. I processed Tri-x exposed at 400 for 8 minutes in Xtol diluted 1:1. Here are a few samples. You can find more as I shoot and process them on my Flickr account tagged with Xtol.
Rodinal and Tri-x film developing
Since I started developing black and white film again I have been using Rodinal. I chose this developer after seeing several examples of it in use on Flickr; primarily Bud Green’s photographs of his family. I have tried various dilutions including 1:50, 1:100 and for the last few rolls I tried stand development (1 hour). But I am having a…
A new pandemic? XDR-TB
The photographer James Nachtwey writes, “I have been a witness and these pictures are my testimony” in the opening frame of a video, highlighting his work to bring awareness to a drug resitant strain of TB (XDR-TB). You can read more at the XDR-TB website.
Aaron started his senior year in high school today
Aaron started his senior year in high school today. It is hard to believe that he’s already 17. I will always remember his sparkling brown eyes and mischevious grin. Have a great year Aaron. Love you.
Film processing notes
I just processed some film and here are my developing notes so I don’t forget the next time. Kodak Tri-x, rated at 200 Afga Rodinal developer, diluted 1:100 for 15 minutes at 68 degrees. I agitate for the first 15 or so seconds then gentle agitation every two minutes after that. At some point I’m going to try stand development;…
A few odds and ends on a holiday weekend
The weather has been gorgeous here in Chicago this weekend and we’re (Lisa and I) out on the deck having coffee and pushing away thoughts of the coming winter months. School starts for Aaron Fioritto tomorrow and for us that means summer is officially over. Mike Johnston over at the Online Photographer blog asked for readers to submit a picture…
Photographer David Burnett at the Olympics with his Speed Graphic
I was watching the Greco-Roman wrestling event last night (taped or dvr’d whatever you call it) and I saw this photographer in the background set down a 4×5 Speed Graphic. I knew it had to be David Burnett. I read somewhere that he has been working with a Speed Graphic and other cameras recently and figured it had to be…

My daughter Mia is married
My daughter Mia married Ryan Rubin on July 19 in Chicago, Illinois. The parents, Mike and Lisa, have been recovering while the couple has been on their honeymoon. It was a wonderful celebration and we could not be thrilled more with our new son-in-law. I took this picture during their last dance, right before they left the reception. I really…
Only a man by Jonny Lang
I have a Jonny Lang channel setup on Pandora and heard his song “Only A Man” today. It is one of the most powerful songs I have heard in a long time. The lyrics and his vocal just stopped me in my tracks. You can read more about him here.
Rain Man by Tommy Oshima
I have spent hours looking at Tommy Oshima’s photographs. This is one of my favorites. I just love the rain drops and the great blacks. I have been meaning to point his work out for some time. He lives and works in Japan and is preparing an exhibit so his postings have been light to date, but there is a…