Author: fioritto

Screen Scraping for RSS [1].

Screen Scraping for RSS. Phil Windley points to a post by Bill Humphries: “He’s using curl to get the page, tidy to clean up the HTML, and an XSL program to convert the result into RSS. Because the example he’s using is making good use of CSS, he can use XPATH to easily grab the right nodes in the HTML…

DevArticles: You Oughta Be Makin’…

DevArticles: You Oughta Be Makin’ Pictures. Image galleries are one of the most popular kinds of sites out there on the internet today. Even Apple got into the act by providing a gallery in their .Mac accounts. Now, thanks to DevArticles, you can roll your own with PHP and GD quickly and easily. []

FotoKey [1]. My friend Paul…

FotoKey. My friend Paul English is writing photo gallery software because he hasn’t found any that suits all his needs, including: “three sizes of each photo, keyboard navigation, netflix-style starbar ratings, email, shutterfly upload, EXIF camera settings info, and CSS templates.” He says: Fotokey is for people who already have their own website, and want their photos on their own…

Need to review:

Need to review: Welcome to TWiki, a flexible, powerful, and easy to use Web-based collaboration platform. Use TWiki to run a project development space, a document management system, a knowledge base, or any other groupware tool, on an intranet or on the internet

why i still hate wikis…

why i still hate wikis. <rant> I?m not posting this on Many-to-Many, despite the fact that it?s really a follow up to my other posts there. I don?t want to stir the pot and start a debate right now. I just want to express my extreme frustration with trying to use a wiki, before I explode. Tonight Dorothea and I…

PIMs and Information Clients [1].

PIMs and Information Clients. Roland Tanglao points to a survey of emerging Personal Information Managers software applications. “There is a new breed of PIMs emerging that I’m *very* excited about. They are all addressing, in different ways, that fact that email clients have been unspeakable abominations for the last few years. The email client paradigm was okay when it was…

RSS with a hands on…

RSS with a hands on approach. Sun recently developed a RSS Utilities Package that is geared towards non-technical editors of web sites that use RSS for aggregating news content. The goal behind this project according to Sun Microsystems was to simplify the use of RSS, thus making syndication more viable in the long run. The results of this project were…

Test-driven development [1]. Programmer and…

Test-driven development. Programmer and author Dave Johnson shared an anecdote on his weblog last year about what happened when his 5-year-old son walked up behind him while he was coding. “He saw the JUnit green bar on the screen,” Johnson reports, “and said ‘Dad, you did good.’” There’s more to this touching father-and-son moment than meets the eye. The idea…

Note: to publish any PowerPoint…

Note:  to publish any PowerPoint or Word doc to my Radio weblog, all I have to do is save the file as a Web page to Radio’s WWW folder.  In a couple seconds, the files are uploaded.  I click on the link for the uploaded document in Radio’s “events” page (on the main menu) and it takes me to the link…