Author: fioritto

Jay Rosen – News Judgment

Jay Rosen – News Judgment Old and News Judgment New:  American Nicholas Berg Beheaded.  Now What? The argument surfaced last week: the gatekeepers in Big Media are mistaken–clueless, biased, disconnected–for filtering out the full horror of the Berg beheading. They haven’t showed the photos or the video of the act itself. But the full horror is available on the Web,…

MythTV and movies

I need to explore MythTV a bit more. Some interecting intersections with BitTorrent, RSS and enclosures plus the addition of public domain content (I just downloaded a Yonder Mountain String Band live concert from their audio archives). There’s an interesting thread on the MythTV developer list about how to bring content to the television set. Imagine, a TV with…

FreeCache – Alternative to BitTorrent

Internet Archive: FreeCache From their website: FreeCache works by moving content “hot spots” on the web closer to users. This provides several advantages to various parties involved: Users get faster downloads, content providers pay less for Internet-bound traffic, and ISPs pay less for Internet-originating traffic. An example: Say an up-and-coming rock band, the RockLobsters, has a website that has a…

Good Blog News Roundup

From: Micro Persuasion: Good Blog News Roundup Bill Hobbs has posted a solid roundup of news about blogs and the impact they’re having in public relations, journalism, politics and academia. The roundup includes a Reuters report that explores the impact of digital technology on war-related public relations and journalism, an interview PR Newswire’s Media Insider conducted with me on blogs,…

Joyce Wycoff: Defining Innovation

Joyce Wycoff offers up a Good Morning Thinkers!: Defining Innovation>modified definition of innovation. Here’s her definition: Innovation Requires: PEOPLE using new knowledge and understanding to experiment with new possibilities in order to implement new concepts that create new value. We believe this definition emphasizes the importance of gathering new knowledge and understanding before trying to find solutions and the concept…

Steps in the design process

This is from a while back, but it was just raised as part of a discussion on the AIfIA list: Peter Merholz blogged a diagram from Vijay Kumar that describes the steps in a design process. To quote: You start in the lower left-hand corner, getting to “know” the “real” – users and their contexts. Then you move up, abstracting…

IDEO: The Power of Design from BusinessWeek

Interesting article in the May 17, 2004 issue(sub. required) of BusinessWeek on IDEO’s process of designing a better consumer experience. Here’s an outline of the IDEO way: 1. Observation IDEO’s cognitive psychologists, anthropologists and sociologists team up with corporate clients to understand the consumer experience. Some of IDEO’s techniques: Shadowing Behavioral mapping Consumer journey Extreme user interviews Storytelling Unfocus groups…

Our failure in Iraq

When I first heard about and then saw the images of prisoner abuse coming from Iraq last week, I had this overwhelming sense that it was over for us in there. Two editorials capture and help to explain what I think are the primary issues. First, Phillip Kennicott writing in the Washington Post, writes that you cannot separate the acts…

Postmodernism and Christianity

My wife and I were having a conversation with a friend the other day about postmodern Christianity. I realized that I knew very little about postmodernism, but I do “know” someone who does: AKMA. I have added his book to my shopping cart at Amazon. Speaking of his books, I just ran across this post on his site. I’ll be…