Tech’s Most Valuable Temp. (SOURCE:Windley’s Enterprise Computing Weblog)-Sounds like a great job! Feld and his team, the Feld Group, are regularly called in to clean up tech disasters at some of America’s biggest companies. Sometimes Feld becomes the interim chief information officer; sometimes he works alongside a CIO. He or a member of his group parachutes in with half a dozen experts who generally stay onsite for about two years. Their goal is to leave behind an overhauled tech infrastructure and a new management team that will keep the system running smoothly. “We’re operations people, not consultants,” says the 60-year-old Feld, who counts among his current clients Coca-Cola, Home Depot, and PricewaterhouseCoopers. Feld is the “CIO of CIOs,” says Vivek Ranadiv?, CEO of Tibco Software, which makes applications that link corporate systems. “He has no agenda other than to do things right, to make technology strategic.” That’s hard. And the reason it’s hard, Feld says, is that you have to keep it simple.
[Roland Tanglao’s Weblog]