Ethan Zuckerman, and Global Voices

I admire the work that the volunteers of Geekcorps have done over the years. A former colleague of mine, Bosco So, was a volunteer on their first project in Ghana. I was surprised when I ran across his name a few years ago on their site. Bosco not only has a very cool name, he was also one of the smartest developers on our team at Phoenix Newspapers.

Ethan Zuckerman, co-founder of Geekcorps, has co-founded a new project called Global Voices.

If you are interested in expanding your horizons beyond the voices of U.S based media and blogs, and you should be, check them out.

They have some great features that make it easy to track news and commentary from countries. Here’s a sample specific to Turkey. A cloud like collection of tags a la and Flickr are at the top of the page and indicate via their size what countries are receiving the most coverage. Select a tag and read away.