Posting from Newsgator

I was unable to get Movable Poster to work from Newsgator (never could get it to be recognized as a plugin) so I have moved on to the plugin that is based on the Blogger API.

I was sucessfully able to get it to post to my site, but for some reason Movable Type does not recognize the titles in the posts. I need to get this figured out. Since I do a lot of work in Outlook, Newgator has been an ideal RSS aggregator and meets my needs. I like the ability to subscribe to RSS feeds by right-clicking on them in IE. It also allows me to read and scan more feeds that I was previously reading in Radio’s aggregator.

Since I primarily use my weblog as my backup brain, I need a seamless way to post from Outlook and Newsgator. I have mt.el loaded up in Emacs, but I can’t get that to route around our internal firewall. I write in Emacs so it would be a natural place for me to create posts to my weblog rather than the browser interface.