Talk about Weblogs, Democracy, Risk and Japan at MIT Enterprise Forum.
Gave a talk on March 19 at the MIT Enterprise Forum in Tokyo hosted at the Nikkei BP office. I tried to tie a bunch of things together. I started out by saying that at a macro level, I was very depressed, but that at a micro level, I was extremely excited. I talked first about the lack of entrepreneurs in Japan, the problem with the economy and democracy in Japan. Then I talked about the nature of risk and why risk/return is broken in Japan. Then I talked about weblogs and about how excited I was about the political, media, social, communications and tool building aspects of weblogs. I closed by talking about open standards and the impact that open standards could have on consumer electronics. I promised to upload the slides so here they are in a 16mb pdf file and a180kb QT file. I don’t have any notes on the slides, so by themselves, they’re pretty useless, but…I promised. I used keynote, which was a true pleasure. I also fixed up some of the slides so the images are newer than the presentation date.
Generally good response. Blogging seemed to be new to people so the blow-by-blow of how a blog works seemed to be useful. The democracy issue was very interesting to some, irrelevant to others. 😉
[Joi Ito’s Web]