Near miss


I was on the bus the other morning and saw a doorman (on the left) trying to hail a taxi. I had my camera so I thought if someone would come into the frame on the right it might make a good shot. The woman on the right came into the frame and stopped. At this point I just needed something to happen in the middle of the frame and as the man walked through I snapped the shot, but my timing was off.

The doorman put his arm down and moved to the right back towards the sidewalk and the shot I hoped for was gone. Color, light and gesture are the components of most great photographs and “gesture” is the hardest for me to capture. You have to be in the right position and must trigger the shutter at just the right moment or the fleeting gesture is gone. Bill Jay and David Hurn talk about this in their book, “On Being a Photographer“. If you are interested in photography or like me are a recovering photographer, I would highly recommend you pick it up and read it. Bill Jay opened my eyes to the wide world of photography through his photo history classes at Arizona State University and he continues to do so through his writing.