More on Posting From Radio’s…

More on Posting From Radio’s Outliner. I did a little digging around, trying to find out what happens when I select Post to Weblog from the context menu in an outline. I found some interesting stuff. For one thing, I can extend the context menu myself. You can too. Just add menu entries to Any changes show up immediately! Hey, that’s pretty cool because it means I can make adjustments to how stuff is posted into my weblog from an outline. More on this later.

I also found that the Post to Weblog menu item results in a call to radio.outliner.menuCommands.PostToWeblog. This is sort of a mini-renderer (see A Busy Writers Guide to Radio Renderers for background) that takes your outline, marks it up based on the structure of the outline, and throws the resulting HTML into the new post text box on your Radio home page. This default renderer charges through the selected node and subnodes. The selected node is marked up with bold tags. Any indented nodes underneath it are marked up as list items for an unordered list. More thoughts are forthcoming… [On The Mark]